How Long Do Eggs Last? A Comprehensive Guide to Egg Shelf Life

How Long Do Eggs Last? A Comprehensive Guide to Egg Shelf Life

Eggs are a staple in many people’s diets, but it’s important to know how long they last and how to tell if they have gone bad. If eggs are rotten, they will have an unpleasant smell and may turn black and gooey. To check if an egg is fresh, you can examine its appearance and smell, perform the float test, or check the size of the air cell. Raw whole eggs can last 4 to 5 weeks past their expiration date when stored in the refrigerator between 35 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Hard-boiled eggs in the shell will last for about a week, while peeled hard-boiled eggs will only last for about a day. Raw egg whites and yolks will last for 4 and 2 days, respectively. If eggs are left unrefrigerated, they may last for 2 to 3 weeks, but they will not be as fresh or nutritious. There are several ways to store eggs to help them last longer, including freezing, dehydrating, or coating them in mineral oil. It’s important to store eggs properly to reduce the risk of food poisoning from Salmonella.


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